Friday, May 2, 2014

Ef You, Blogger

I almost completed a post Wednesday evening, reporting on the middle four days of our recent trip to Georgia, South Carolina and Florida. All I had left to note was our visit to the Daytona Beach campus of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and the two games we saw between the Tampa Yankees and the Daytona Cubs.

While trying to center some text near the page jump, text that the html indicated was already centered, the entire editor went blank, deleting hours of work. Ef you, Blogger. I guess you get what you pay for. Oh! Wait! WordPress is free too.

The post was a fair amount of writing, but only because of the number of days that were covered. It was exactly the type of post I find most unsatisfying—we went there, and then there, followed by yet another destination—so my comments were brief. Despite my philosophical disdain, I kept at it because I was trying to break through the block that has prevented me from posting for the last year.

I still have the 24 photographs that I formatted, including one of the Imperial Sugar plant following the February 7, 2008 explosion that claimed 14 lives there. It can serve here as a metaphor.

I could probably re-create the narrative, but I don't have the time. I didn't really have the time the first time. Ef you Blogger, with a toilet brush.

Addendum (July 14, 2016)
In an odd post, I have published all of the images but without any narrative.

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